P: 573.353.0590

Communication Assessment and Planning

Successful organizations understand their audiences and the key messages that resonate with them. We will provide a comprehensive assessment of what forms of communication are currently being used combined with researching what each audiences needs to know and how they want to receive it.


Listening is the first step to understanding. Organizations that seek out and value the opinions of their stakeholders improve their ability to successfully move forward. Whether your group needs ongoing research to understand the pulse of your varied audiences, or is preparing to place an issue on a ballot, we will help you gain an accurate understanding of the opinions of your patrons.  Forms of research include focus groups, online surveys and key individual interviews. If phone surveys are required, we collaborate with a professional in that field.

Strategic Planning

What is the plan? Organizations that have a vision and a roadmap to guide them in their pursuits not only work better, but are better able to demonstrate to their stakeholders how their mission is vital to the success of those they serve. For school districts, it’s about serving students; for businesses, it’s about serving clients. We assist organizations in thinking strategically to develop their mission, vision and means to reach their goals. We specialize in helping school districts develop comprehensive communication plans.

Ongoing Services

Do you represent a district or organization that does not have an employee whose specific purpose is communications? Allow us to help you with ongoing communications assistance including developing a communications plan, providing training in the areas of media relations and customer service, helping districts develop a "team approach" to communications, and being “on call” when communication services are needed. Ask about our retainer services.